Vision and Governance
Our Vision
Our vision is for a community where the area’s heritage assets are recognised, valued and sustainably preserved for the benefit, education and enjoyment of current and future generations.
Our Mission
To bring our vision to reality we will engage in the following:
• Promoting awareness and appreciation of our built heritage and so increase understanding and foster local pride and interest.
• Advocating and implementing the conservation of historic assets and recognising their contribution to local regeneration
• Rescuing and conserving heritage assets, including their settings
• Seeking to find a sustainable future for heritage assets that may be either in our own or other ownership but which recognises their heritage value including local character and distinctiveness
• Managing change so that the significant values of individual heritage assets are carried forward for future generations to enjoy
• Promoting education, training and skills for managing and maintaining heritage assets
• Encouraging active working with a wide range of partners including statutory bodies
Our Values
We will achieve our vision and mission by adhering to our ethical standards and good governance procedures as expressed below and in accordance with our charitable objectives.
In our Trust’s business and decision making we will conduct ourselves with:
• Honesty and integrity
• Respect
• Transparency and openness
• Accountability and efficiency
In the projects the Trust undertakes we aim to be:
• Inclusive
• Knowledgeable
• Ethical
• Inspirational
• Taking a long term view
In the way the Trust communicates both internally and externally we will strive to be productive and supportive by acting with:
• Honesty and integrity
• Respect
Annual Accounts
Our annual accounts may be viewed on the charity commissioners website. Reg. Charity No. 1147757. A company limited by guarantee No. 6859885.